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This setting allows UMS backend to run multiple UMS installation (customers) from the same backend server.

Options for this setting can be found under Settings -> IniFiles


Databases / Customers

This section is used to specify the Ini files used to run the programs with. These files must be in the usermanagement installation folder.


This is an abbreviated name for the ini file. This can only contain [a-zA-Z0-9].

This is used for two things:

  • When running the programs from the commandline with the parameter "/IniFilesName:Customer1". Change Customer1 to the name you want to use.
  • It will generate new log files with the prefix "GetStudents Customer1.log" for each row name. This will allow you to see the log file just you would when this is not used.


The filename of the ini file to use for this setting.


Enter a description. This is not used for anything.

Concurrency for each program

This controls how many instances are running at a time. This is for each program.

If the program is not specified the default is 10.

For service the default is all is running.

Program name

The name of the *.exe file from the UMS installation folder.

For UMS Services this is still the *.exe file name.

Max concurrency

Specify how many should be activated at the same time.

Change setting


Choose the setting you want to change to.

You will see the setting has been change in the here. Marked with yellow.