Create Facebook Access Token

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Revision as of 10:54, 22 February 2017 by Bjk (talk | contribs)
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This describes how to create a facebook access token for getting RSS Feeds for App news

The personal Facebook account that you use to register as a developer does not need to be associated in any way with the page or group whose posts you want to display. You cannot log in to the Developer site using a Facebook Page or Business account. You must use the username and password from your personal Facebook profile. Facebook doesn’t allow businesses to register as developers, only individuals.

Please follow Facebook guide to enable yourself as developer on facebook.

When you have a developer account, created an app go to Facebook Graph Explorer

  • Select application
  • Select “Get Token” and “Get App Token”
  • Copy the Access Token


Now you have the access token you need to paste into the configurator regarding the Facebook RSS feed.