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Our Canvas integration is developed for schools that want to avoid hour-long administrative tasks. The integration automatically creates, maintains, and deletes users based on data from your student administrative system. It also creates and maintains group rooms, which teachers and students can use for teaching purposes. The rooms automatically use the language you require and can be categorized according to your needs, making them easier to find. Rooms that are no longer in use are deleted automatically.

Configuration in UMS

This allows users to log into Canvas with the same password they use to access the school’s IT-system. The Canvas integration gives you an easy overview and ensures that the users’ data is always managed correctly, without requiring any manual updates. This frees up time for the IT-department so they can focus on other tasks.


Module requirements


What to have ready



Open UMS Configurator and go to Template > Canvas. Click the first manage button.

You will now see an overview of your Canvas settings.

Canvas settings

To configurate your settings, go to 'Edit existing template' and choose Canvas. Click 'Manage' and 'Add'.


Give the Site settings a name.

Organization settings

Choose the Organization setting you want to use for this site setting.


Options that define how users are created


Choose a column from the students table. Its default is <Not used>. This means that the username will be the same as in Active Directory.

This column will be used as the login.

Mail alias

Choose a column from the students table. Its default is <Not used>. This means that the mail alias will be the same as default username.

This column will be used as the <Mail alias>@<Mail Domain from organization settings>.

If the column from the database contains a @ it will use this mail and not add <Mail Domain from organization settings>.


Choose a column from the students table. Its default is <Not used>. This means that the SIS ID will be the same as default username.

This column will be used as the SIS ID.

Add organization domain as suffix to username

If this is checked the mail domain from organization settings will be added as part of the login/username.

Set random password

Enable this to set random password on users when they are created. This is used when you enable SSO in Canvas and you don't want them to login with anything else.

Delete users

Delete the users when they are no longer active

Keep inactive before deleting

Wait this number of days before deleting inactive users

Phone country code

Set the default country code for users in Canvas. This is only applied to phone numbers that are not already prefixed.

Distribution lists

Check the box to create, update, and delete groups that has a Canvas setting attached.

Maintain lists

Check this box to enable groups to be created in Canvas

Delete lists

Check this box to delete groups from Canvas

Delete unused lists after

Wait this number of days before deleting unused/old lists

Template security groups

Check the box to create, update, and delete template security groups that has a Canvas setting attached.

Upload student information

Check these boxes to send and update information on students:

  • Mobile Phone

Upload employee information

Check these boxes to send and update information on employees:

  • Mobile Phone

Upload Guardian information

Create Guardians

Check this box to create guardians

Check these boxes to send and update information on guardians:

  • Mobile Phone


See LMS Settings for options that are not described below.

Activity sites

See Site selection settings

Course sites

See Site selection settings

Organization settings


Give your Organization setting a name.


URL of the Canvas installation.

Mail domain

Mail domain for the Canvas installation.

Access token

Type the access token that is created with the help of this link

The user under which the access token is created must be set to English language

SQL Criteria

This is an overall SQL sentence that is used when creating groups. It is used in conjunction with the sub account settings. This has no impact on sites being created. If left blank there are no criteria.

Root account ID

Enter the root account id from Canvas. This is default 1

Installation ID

This is not used yet

Sub accounts

This section explains how to create a hierarchy in Canvas.


This is an overall SQL sentence that is used when creating groups. It is used in conjunction with the sub account settings. This has no impact on sites being created.

Database field

Select a column from the students table use the contents of that column to build the hierarchy.

SQL Criteria

Select only rows that match the SQL sentence. If left blank there are no criteria.

Add staff as

Add staff to the sub account node with this role

Require parent criterias

Staff will only be added to the node if they meet all the criteria's from the parent nodes

Example of how UMS will build a hierarchy

The account "Byggeriuddannelserne" comes from the 'Sub accounts' settings "Education"

The account "Architectural Technology and Construction" comes from the 'Sub accounts' settings "Department"

Site Settings

You need to attach a site setting to a template. This will tell UMS that sites will be created from this template.


Enter a description for this setting.


Enter a template that is used when creating sites.

SQL Groups

See LMS Settings for this option.