Welcome to UMS Wiki

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Welcome to UMS Wiki

This wiki contains technical information about UMS. UMS is developed to help the school’s IT-department avoid trivial and hour-long administration tasks. UMS is short for User Management System and it is a system developed especially for the educational sector. UMS is a standard solution, which makes it easy to update and maintain, however, because UMS is built using optional modules, it can be tailored to your school’s individual needs. That way you get a simple and effective solution containing everything you need – nothing more, nothing less.

Are you seeking general information please visit our inLogic website

What is UMS?

Watch our video and find out more. UMS is developed to help the school’s IT-department avoid trivial and hour-long administration tasks. However, the school’s teachers and students will benefit from it too, via web and app. Want to know how? Find out in the text below.

UMS reduces the IT-department’s workload

With UMS, manual user creation is a thing of the past. UMS automatically creates and maintains users in Active Directory, Google Apps, Office 365 and learning management systems, based on data from the student administration system. UMS also gives the school’s students and staff access to a self-service portal, where they can reset their own password, thus saving time for the IT-department.

UMS gives teachers more time to teach

Many teachers find themselves with a multitude of administrative tasks they need do to, in addition to their other tasks. This could ultimately reduce the amount time they have to teach. To avoid that, UMS makes it possible to complete the administrative tasks quickly and easily via the UMS self-service portal, app and SMS modules, thus giving teachers more time to teach.

UMS makes it easier to be a student

With UMS, it is easy to be a student, because a long list of relevant school information is easily accessible. E.g., students can see their timetable, homework, grades and attendance records via web and SMS. They can even get notifications on their phone, if there are changes to their timetable or other important information. This makes it easy to stay up-to-date and it strengthens the students’ affiliation to the school.

Possibilities with UMS

Identity management. UMS automatically creates, maintains and deletes users in Active Directory, Office 365, Google Apps and many other systems, based on data from the student administration system.

Cloud integration. UMS easily integrates with Office 365, SharePoint, Google Apps, Sites and Drives. Timetable data automatically synchronizes to Outlook / Google Calendar. We have also developed a learning portal to Office 365 SharePoint.

LMS integration. UMS automatically creates class and group rooms in Canvas, Fronter, Moodle, SharePoint etc. Additionally, we integrate to a long list of other systems, e.g. library systems, print payment systems and cafeteria systems.

Self-service portal. UMS gives you a single login portal, where users can register attendance, reset passwords, block internet access, create guest users, send SMS, see attendance records and much more.

SMS and communication. The best way to reach your students is through their phones. With UMS, the students can automatically receive an SMS when there are changes to their timetable, they can reset their own password, receive their timetable and grades and much more via SMS.

App. With UMS, your school can get its own smartphone app, designed with the school’s colours and logo. The app gives students access to their timetable, homework, student ID, attendance records, news from the school etc.


inLogic SMS Modem


UMS Welcome


SMS Alert

SMS Subscriptions

SMS Timetable