Welcome to UMS Wiki

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Revision as of 15:24, 9 March 2017 by Bjk (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to UMS Wiki

This wiki contains technical information about UMS. UMS is developed to help the school’s IT-department avoid trivial and hour-long administration tasks. UMS is short for User Management System and it is a system developed especially for the educational sector. UMS is a standard solution, which makes it easy to update and maintain, however, because UMS is built using optional modules, it can be tailored to your school’s individual needs. That way you get a simple and effective solution containing everything you need – nothing more, nothing less.

Are you seeking general information please visit our inLogic website

What is UMS?

Watch our video and find out more. UMS is developed to help the school’s IT-department avoid trivial and hour-long administration tasks. However, the school’s teachers and students will benefit from it too, via web and app. Want to know how? Find out in the text below.

UMS reduces the IT-department’s workload

With UMS, manual user creation is a thing of the past. UMS automatically creates and maintains users in Active Directory, Google Apps, Office 365 and learning management systems, based on data from the student administration system. UMS also gives the school’s students and staff access to a self-service portal, where they can reset their own password, thus saving time for the IT-department.


inLogic SMS Modem


UMS Welcome


SMS Alert

SMS Subscriptions

SMS Timetable