Google app API
Steps to make UMS syne work with Google Apps.
Log on with your Google Admin account and create a new project
Enter Project Name, select organization and domain from dropdown.
Be aware that you have chosen the right project and then click on " + ENABLE APIS SERVICES "
Google automatically opens the API Library where you can search for services.
- Notice that the "Drive SDK" does not exist in the new API
- Enable the foliowing APls (Remember that you can search for each API)
Admin SDK
Google Calendar API
Google Drive API
Service Control API
Google Cloud Storage JSON API
Group Settings API
Site Verification API
This is what it should look like in the end.
Create API Credentials
Click on " OAuth consent screen "
Enter " Appliation Name " , a User Support email and developer contact info (mandatory).
Click "save"
Click on "Credentials" and Create "OAuth Client ID"
Select Desktop APP and enter a name, then Click Create
Copy Client ID and Client Secret for it to be used in UMS Configurator under Google organization settings
And the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" is to be entered in UMS Configurator