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This settings determines if activities coming from the administrative system will be active in UMS.

If there are no settings configured, activites can not be used in UMS product.

UMS will synchronize users in an activity; by removing users that do not belong (anymore) and adding users that should be there.

Synchronization information usually comes from the administrative system and is stored in the UMS Database.

Template Setting


The activity setting attached to this template.

Web search setting

Enter an Active Directory group here.

If you are a member of this group then you can search the users and groups/activities from this template.

Leaving this blank means that there are no restrictions on who can see users and groups/activities from this template.

Include all

UMS will see all activities as active. (Recommended)


UMS will only see activities matching the filter as active.

Activity setting


Enter a name for this setting.


Mail enable

Mail enable groups on this template. Look for Exchange documentation for further info.

(Only works if an Exchange setting is attached to the template)

Only senders inside my Organization

Everyone can send to this groups mail address if this checkbox is cleared. Look for Exchange documentation for further info.

(Only works if an Exchange setting is attached to the template)

Do not empty groups

UMS will not remove users from this group (even if they do not belong according to the administrative data).

Create - day(s) before start

The group will be seen as active in UMS, X number of days before it starts.

Keep active - day(s) after end

The group will still be active after it ends. This only works if UMS still gets the information from the administrative system, so it only works with certain administrative systems.

Exchange delivery management

This controls who can send to the group.

It only works if "Only senders inside my Organization" is checked.

This is only set on the group when it's mail enabled in Active Directory.

(Only works if an Exchange setting is attached to the template)

Only accept message from group members

Check this to activate the feature.

New group

Enter an Active Directory group that should be mail enabled.

Selected groups

Shows all the current group that will be set on new groups.

Extra groups

All users on templates using this activity setting will be added to the UMS group entered here. Just as Custom_SQL_Commands#Add_users_to_groups would.

It's recommended to use Custom SQL Commands instead of this feature.

Add extra AD groups to UMS groups

Enter Active Directory groups here.

Add to activities

This will add the Active Directory group to all UMS groups coming from the administrative system.

Add to template groups

This will add the Active Directory group to Configurator/Destination#Security_group_for_template of all templates using this setting.