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UMS Configurator settings


Insert a name or description for the setting

Admin servers

Choose the admin server created here MitID Erhverv

Maintain groups

This will created/update and delete groups.

It will also add users and remove them again.

These groups can be used to add security to users based on group membership.


Choose the authenticators to add to users.

SQL Sentence

Insert parameters for filtering purposes

Select Distinct Students.SLI_ID, Students.Fornavne As GivenName, Students.Efternavn As SurName, Students.CPR As CivilRegistrationNumber
, Students.WorkMail
From Students
(StudieNr Is Not Null)
And (UserTypes_ID = 0)
And (SLI_ID Is Not Null)
And (CPR Is Not Null)
And (BirthDay Is Not Null)
And (Fornavne Is Not Null)
And (Fornavne <> )
And (Efternavn Is Not Null)
And (Efternavn <> )
And (WorkMail Is Not Null)
And (WorkMail <> )
And (Not Exists (Select SLI_ID From MitIDErhverv_Users Where MitIDErhverv_Users.SLI_ID = Students.SLI_ID And MitIDErhverv_Users.MitIDErhvervSettings_ID = {(int)SettingsRow["ID"]}))
Order By SLI_ID


Parameter Description
UsersOnly Runs all the parameters in this table
CreateUsers Create users
UpdateUsers Update users. This will also add authenticators if they are missing from the users.
DeleteUsers Delete users
Parameter Description
GroupsOnly Runs all the parameters in this table
CreateGroups Create groups
UpdateGroups Update groups
DeleteGroups Delete groups
AddGroupMembers Add new members to groups
RemoveGroupMembers Remove members from groups if they are no longer member of the group in the source data


Find existing users

The user must be active for UMS to find the user otherwise it will create a new user.