From the Configurator - > Website Settings you can select which AD Group should be able to access the SMS From CSV feature.
To see SMS From CSV you must be a global admin or part of the selected AD group.
If you select "show SMS on front page" the option will be shown on the frontpage as well as in the control panel.
Sending SMS
Your csv file should be structured with two columns that are separated with a semicolon ;
- mobile number
- message
The first row defines the column header name (e.g. mobile and message). All the following rows are will be send with the first column being the receivers mobile number and the second column the message that will be send.
For linebreaks use <br>
Example of csv:
mobile;message 42408883;Min første besked 41787710;Min anden besked 41787710;Min anden besked<br>new line
Errors with danish characters
Try saving with another encoding. UTF8 With BOM works.