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The syncronization module exports timetable blocks to the APP in Teams.


GetTimetable - This needs to be executed before export data is available

UMS Configurator settings


  • Insert a name or description for the setting

Tenant settings


  • Insert ClientID requested from Inlogic


  • Insert ClientSecret requested from Inlogic


  • Choose the environment your Studily is running on (default production)

SQL Sentence

  • insert parameters for filtering purposes

Studily FAQ

Why does Studily calender view contain more timetable blocks than personal calendar?

  • Studily will per default show all timetable blocks for the ALL Teams you are a member or owner of.
  • Your personal calendar only contains your own timetable blocks
  • Therefore users may have differences in Calendar view of Studily and their personal calendar.

Overlapping Timetable blocks shown in Studily

  • Due to above mentioned presentation of Teams timetable blocks, there might be overlapping blocks in case teams are planned at the same time

How do I activate the Studily timetable module?

  • timetable block sync requires the Studily module in your UMS License (please contact

See timetable blocks for a specific day on a specific teacher sent to studily

Select * from Studily_TimeTableBlocks
Join SkemaBrikker on SkemaBrikker.SkemaBegivenhed_ID = Studily_TimeTableBlocks.SkemaBegivenhed_ID and SkemaBrikker.SkemaBrikkerAdminServers_ID = Studily_TimeTableBlocks.SkemaBrikkerAdminServers_ID
Join SkemaBrikker_Teachers on Studily_TimeTableBlocks.SkemaBegivenhed_ID = SkemaBrikker_Teachers.SkemaBegivenhed_ID AND SkemaBrikker_Teachers.SkemaBrikkerAdminServers_ID = Studily_TimeTableBlocks.SkemaBrikkerAdminServers_ID
Left Join SkemaBrikker_Rooms on Studily_TimeTableBlocks.SkemaBegivenhed_ID = SkemaBrikker_Rooms.SkemaBegivenhed_ID AND SkemaBrikker_Rooms.SkemaBrikkerAdminServers_ID = Studily_TimeTableBlocks.SkemaBrikkerAdminServers_ID
Where skemabrikker.Dato = '31-08-2022' -- Date
And SkemaBrikker_Teachers.Initialer =  -- Teachers initials