Configurator/SMS Server

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Revision as of 12:03, 24 November 2021 by Kia (talk | contribs) (→‎Keep SMS log)
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Choose the desired SMS Gateway solution

  • StandAlone
  • GateWayServer
  • SMS Provider

Default settings

Keep SMS log


Country code

Max reply time

Local number length

SMS Start time

SMS end time

Stand alone

InLogic SMS Gateway

Gateway address

Enter the full DNS name of the inLogic gateway

User name

This cannot be changed.


Enter the password of a sendsms user. This password can be change on the gateway

Gateway server

Gateway address

Enter the full DNS name of the gateway server

User name

Enter the username for the webservices. Default is "WebserviceUser" but can be changed.


Enter the password for the user. This has to be setup at first install of the GateWay server program. The password generated at install is random.

SMS Provider

This option allows you to choose between a list of internet SMS providers

Remember to create an account first.

Callback URL

Enter the URL of the UMS web server. This must be running https.

This is used for status updates when sending SMS from UMS.


Enter a phone number or 11 characters. This is what is displayed on the phone when receiving the SMS.

API Token

API token is from the gateway account and used to authenticate when sending SMS to users


This is used when your using a keyword in to identify where to send incoming SMS from users. This will remove the keyword at the start of the SMS.

This can be blank if you don't want to remove the keyword from the SMS or if your using a virtual number.