Configurator/Service accounts

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Revision as of 08:41, 11 May 2020 by Kia (talk | contribs)
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Name of the setting.


Username used to access the domain.


Password used to access the domain.


The Active Directory domain. This must be in FQDN format.


Display name on web

Enter a friendly display name that will be show on UMS web in the change password module. This is only shown if UMS needs to.

Mail server

The mail server that is used when trying to send mail with this domain account.

Mail server username

Mail server username. This can be blank depending on the mail server setup.

Mail server password

Mail server password. This can be blank depending on the mail server setup.

Port number

Port number used to contact the mail server.

Port 25 for normal SMTP

Port 587 for SSL


Enable SSL when speaking with the mail server.

Show on web

Show this domain setting on UMS web in the change password module. This is only shown if UMS needs to.

Mail provider

This defines some different behaviors when sending mail.

  • Other
    • UMS web will send the mail as the user logged into the web.
  • Office 365
    • UMS web will use the value in "Mail server username" as the sender instead of the user trying to send the mail.