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Revision as of 12:29, 24 January 2019 by Kia (talk | contribs)
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Global setting

This mean that UMS will stop importing data if there is more than a 20% decrease of users in the current import. It will start again if the next GetStudents has less than a 20% decrease in users.

This default limit can be change in UMS configurater under Settings -> Failsafe.

You can also set a specific failsafe setting on a template. This also includes the option to disable it for a template.

Failsafe will normally happen around semester change since a lot of users will leave the school.

Template setting

Failsafe enabled

Uncheck this to disable failsafe for templates with this setting. This is not recommended.

User percentage

Increase of the decrease the % of missing users a template can have before failsafe activates.