SMS Alert

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Installation manual for ”SMS Alert”. This module is already installed with the standard UMS installation.


It requires a valid license for the module, which can be checked under “Help/License info”:


The required license is called “SMS Alert”:


After the license has been verified, UMS is ready to be configured.


All settings regarding this module is via Template settings, just as “ordinary” users that UMS maintains. The concept is that each template (group of users), has a location attached to them. This could be the same location for all users/templates->All users on the school is alerted at the same time. Or it could be different locations (a large school with multiple addresses).


Simply edit an existing template and click “Manage…” under location.


The settings for a location is:

  • Description: A telling name for the location (this is the name that the users are shown)
  • Access group: Members of the chosen group will have the rights to alert for this location
  • Alert extra numbers: Insert extra numbers that will receive this message first (ex. The local police station)
  • SMS Alerts: Choose/design the alert messages

SMS Alerts

Its possible to define multiple alert messages:


Each alert needs a telling display name, and a short and easy to understand text.

User settings This sections controls who the users loginnames are generated. In this example, the next user are created as “MASS_16” and subsequent users MASS_17, MASS_18 and so on. Max age indicates the max allowed duration for a multiple user created by UMS.

Group settings Enter a prefix for the groups created by multiple users module. Choose a prefix that will insure that groups created by multiple user module not will interfere with existing groups in Active directory.

Web settings This sections controls which users can create multiple users on this template. Also its possible to indicate which mergelist template are default for users created with this template.

End user

The SMS Alert module gives the assigned users the ability to broadcast alert messages via SMS to whole departments at one time. In the UMS Frontend web portal, the users will have access to the SMS Alert via a button on the frontpage.


When clicked the background changes color to indicate that something out the ordinary is activated.


Depending of the system settings the user will have access to one or many locations/list recipients and or messages. Select a location and message, and click “Send alert”.

WARNING: Doing this will trigger a SMS to every student/teacher on the selected location!!