API key to access the webservice.
Client ID
Client ID to access the webservice.
Client secret
Client secret to access the webservice.
Export settings
Data mapping
Admin system | UMS | Remarks |
Employee ID | UMS_IDFromAdministrativeSystem | |
Employee ID | IDFromAdministrativeSystem | |
GivenName | Fornavn | |
Surname | EFTERNAVN | |
Initials | StudieNr | |
CivilRegistrationNumber | CPR | |
AdUsername | AlternativID | |
ProtectedGivenName | PublicRegisteredFirstName | |
ProtectedSurname | PublicRegisteredSurName | |
WorkMail | ||
PhoneNumber | WorkMobilePhone | |
PhoneNumber | MobilePhone | |
JobTitle | Employee_Description | |
Department ID | DepartmentID | |
Department Name | Department | |
AddressLine | Adresse | |
PostalCode | PostNummer | |
Place | Sted | |
CareOfAddressLine | COAddress | |
ProtectedNameAndAddress | SecretAddress | |
Department ID | AktivitetsID | |
Department Name | Aktivitet | |
Department Name | ActivityDisplayName | |
Department Name | ActivityDescription | |
Department Name | Kort_Betegnelse | |
EmploymentStartDate | StartDato | If department start date is after employment start date then department start date is used if not then employment start date is used |
EmploymentResignationDate | SlutDato | If department end date is before employment resignation date then department end date is used if not then employment resignation date is used |
Department ValidFrom | Aktiviteter_StartDato | |
Department ValidTo | Aktiviteter_SlutDato | |
EmploymentStartDate | Employement_StartDate | |
EmploymentResignationDate | Employement_EndDate | |
AreasOfResponsibility Name | Employee_ResponsibilityArea |
Admin system | UMS | Remarks |
Students ID | UMS_IDFromAdministrativeSystem | |
Students ID | IDFromAdministrativeSystem | |
GivenName | Fornavn | |
Surname | EFTERNAVN | |
CivilRegistrationNumber | CPR | |
AdUsername | StudieNr | |
ProtectedGivenName | PublicRegisteredFirstName | |
ProtectedSurname | PublicRegisteredSurName | |
PrivateMail | ||
PhoneNumber | PrivateMobilePhone | |
PhoneNumber | MobilePhone | |
StudyStartDate | StudyStart_Education | |
StudyEndDate | StudyEnd_Education | |
StudyExpectedCompletionDate | Expected_EducationEndDate | |
Department ID | DepartmentID | |
Department Name | Department | |
AddressLine | Adresse | |
PostalCode | PostNummer | |
Place | Sted | |
CareOfAddressLine | COAddress | |
ProtectedNameAndAddress | SecretAddress | |
DepartmentEducation ID | EducationDepartmentID | |
DepartmentEducation Name | EducationDepartmentname | |
Student Studies EducationId | EducationID | |
Student Studies EducationName | Education | |
Student Studies EducationVersion | EducationVersion | |
Student Studies Coesa | COSA_FORMAL | |
Student Studies DsDepartmentNumber | Skolekode | |
Guardian information | Guardian information | This is copied to the guardian fields in UMS |
Admin system | UMS | Remarks |
SubjectCourse ID | AktivitetsID | |
SubjectCourse Designation | Aktivitet | |
SubjectCourse Designation | ActivityDisplayName | |
SubjectCourse Name | ActivityDescription | |
SubjectCourse Designation | Kort_Betegnelse | |
SubjectCourse LmsIndicator | Aktivitet_LMS | |
Subject Course Enrollment StartDate | StartDato | |
Subject Course Enrollment EndDate | SlutDato | |
SubjectCourse StartDate | Aktiviteter_StartDato | |
SubjectCourse EndDate | Aktiviteter_SlutDato | |
UVM Course ID | Course_ID | |
UVM Course Subject | Skolefag | |
UVM Course Description | Skolefag_Betegnelse | |
UVM Course Level | CourseLevel | If Level is a - then Null is written to UMS |
SkoleFag_LMS | Is set to true if there is a UVM course connected |
Admin system | UMS | Remarks |
EducationalProgrammes ID | AktivitetsID | |
EducationalProgrammes Designation | Aktivitet | |
EducationalProgrammes Designation | ActivityDisplayName | |
EducationalProgrammes Name | ActivityDescription | |
EducationalProgrammes Designation | Kort_Betegnelse | |
Aktivitet_LMS | True | |
EducationalProgrammes StartDate | StartDato | |
EducationalProgrammes EndDate | SlutDato | |
EducationalProgrammes StartDate | Aktiviteter_StartDato | |
EducationalProgrammes EndDate | Aktiviteter_SlutDato |
Template criteria mapping
Admin system | UMS | Picture from admin system | Remarks |
Institutions kode | School Code | ||
Afdelings navn | Department | ||
Ansvarsområde | Responsibility area |
Admin system | UMS | Picture from admin system | Remarks |
Institutions kode | School Code | ||
Afdelings navn | Department | ||
Uddannelses kode | CØSA Number | ||
Uddannelsesforløbs kode | Educational program designation | ||
Ansvarsområde | Responsibility area |
What is needed for students to be extracted
They need CPR number and an active Educational program
What is needed for employees to be extracted
They need CPR number