Skemabrikker.exe is a small sync job that needs to run when timetables has to be created, updated or deleted.
The following systems is supported
- Office 365
- Exchange
- GSuite
Skemabrikker.exe [<optional> System] [<optional> Action] [<optional> Mail] [<optional> StartDate] [<optional> EndDate] [<optional> Type [UMS | NonUMS | All]]
Displays a microsoft forms with the different parameters.
Only works for Exchange and Office365. Restores rights for a room if they have accidentally been deleted or changed.
This parameter is used to define what system Skemabrikker.exe will populate the Timetables to. We currently support Timetable integration to these systems:
Office 365
find - Used to display the Timetables associated with the given [mail] parameter.
delete - Used to delete the Timetables associated with the given [mail] parameter.
update - Used to update the Timetables that needs to be updated that are associated with the given [mail] parameter.
mail/UPN - This parameter used if the [action] parameter needs to affect a specific user.
Teachersonly - This parameter used if the [action] parameter needs to only affect teachers.
Studentsonly - This parameter used if the [action] parameter needs to only affect students.
Roomsonly - This parameter is used if the [action] parameter needs to only affect a given physical Classroom (When this parameter is used you need to add the ID for the given room ie. [Action] [Mail] 'Room_ID').
Activitiesonly - This parameter is used if the [action] parameter needs to only affect a given activity (When this parameter is used you need to add the ID for the given activity ie. [Action] [Mail] 'Activity_ID').
This parameter is used in to define the start date in which the find, delete or update parameter will affect the timetables. The format for this parameter is dd-mm-yyyy.
This parameter is used in to define the end date in which the find, delete or update parameter will affect the timetables The format for this parameter is dd-mm-yyyy.
UMS - This parameter is used to define that the timetables has to have been generated by UMS will be affected.
NonUMS - This parameter is used to define that the timetables has to have not been generated by UMS will be affected.
All - This parameter is used to define that timetables both from UMS and non UMS will be affected.
External systems
How do I find timetable blocks with skemabrikker.exe ?
Example following the general parameters:
skemabrikker.exe office365 find tea@umsacademic.onmicrosoft.com 12-05-2019 13-05-2019 All |
Inspect the skemabrikker.log. The long string value in the logfile refers to the ID in the table SkemaBrikkerSavedEntries
How do I find timetable blocks with SQL statements ?
select SkemaBrikkerNewEntries.*
From SkemaBrikkerNewEntries Join SkemaBrikker_Students On SkemaBrikkerNewEntries.SkemaBegivenhed_ID = SkemaBrikker_Students.SkemaBegivenhed_ID And SkemaBrikkerNewEntries.SkemaBrikkerAdminServers_ID = SkemaBrikker_Students.SkemaBrikkerAdminServers_ID And SkemaBrikkerNewEntries.Activity = SkemaBrikker_Students.Activity
SkemaBrikker_Students.cpr In (Select Cpr from Students where studienr= 'xxxxxx') and SkemaBrikkerNewEntries.Dato = '28-11-2018' Order By RealStartDateTime |