Apple School Manager

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You must setup a school in UMS and attach it to a template.

The school name will the location name in ASM.

Module requirements




How to setup Apple School Manager SFTP

You need to setup the Data Source Connection in Apple School Manager before setting it up in UMS.

After step 5 copy the username and password into a UMS template setting and attach it to a template

Enter a server in Configurator/Services under the box "Apple School Manager" restart the service on that server to trigger an upload of files to Apple School Manager.

Skip steps 6, 7 and 8 in the Apple documentation.

Step 9 will be done by the UMS service.

Setup of Apple School Manager in UMS must be done between step 5 and step 9 in the documentation

All content uploaded to Apple School Manager is seen as case sensitive. This means all keys must be exactly the same case.


Name of the setting.


Username to access SFTP.


Password to access SFTP.

Additional UMS configurations required

UMS uses a built-in windows service to handle upload of data to ASM.

UMS backend server (or preferred server) should be added to Apple School Manager in services

File:UMS Services.png