The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.ImportFromDB_SkemaBrikker
This could be the result of someone scheduling the same class with PeriodNumberSeq = 1 and PeriodNumberSeq <> 1
It will give an error that ends with something like this 04-02-19_08:40_09:43_PKMQ_2019_1
This can help find the problematic timetable block. Decipher it like this
- Date = 04-02-19
- Start time = 08:40
- End time = 09:43
- Classcode = PKMQ
- FileYear = 2019
- ActualSemester = 1
The date is calculated based on 2 weeks schedule. This means the date is not too usefull.
You can look in UMS using this SQL to find the date number
Select *
From ImportFromDB_TimeTable_Synergetic
Skemabegivenhed_ID = 04-02-19_08:40_09:43_PKMQ_2019_1