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Integration with Axpoint's Office 365 SharePoint-based document management system.


Module requirements


Template settings

This is where you connect an Axpoint Setting to a template. Users that are on this template will be synchronized with Axpoint.

This is where you connect an Axpoint Setting to a template.

Start by selecting the setting you want to change or add a new one.

Start by selecting the setting you want to change or add a new one.


This is where you set up your Axpoint setting. The fields are described below.

This is where you set up your Axpoint settings.

Security options

  • Site Collection URL: Insert the URL for the work area
  • Security token: Value obtained from Axpoint
  • Site type: Value obtained from Axpoint
  • User account: The user who are allowed to access the site collection
  • Waid: Value obtained from Axpoint


Please note that the key and values are different for each customer.

  • Key: This is the key that Axpoint will look at when checking if a user is enabled or disabled (do not include this key in your metadata)
  • User enabled value: The value which defines the user as active
  • User disabled value: The value which defines the user as inactive

Disable options

  • Disable users: Check this if users should be disabled when they leave the school. If left unchecked, users will not be disabled.
  • Disable after: Choose how many days a user should be active before being disabled

Metadata configuration

Select the Metadata setting used. See how to create or update users below.

SQL Sentence

In this field, you can define which records should be included from the students' table. It is only possible to use the SQL where sentence.

I.e. (Studienr = 'UMS) or (Fullname like 'inLogic%').


This is the metadata used when you create or update user in Axpoint. The fields are described below.

This is the metadata used when you create or update user in Axpoint.
  • Axpoint key name: The key that Axpoint uses
  • Static text before database field: Can be any text
  • UMS database field: Choose a field from the students' table
  • Static text after database field: Can be any text
  • Required in Axpoint: Check this to ensure that the field will not be empty in Axpoint. Please note that if the field is blank in UMS, the record will not be sent to Axpoint