Microsoft SDS
Go to this page and login with the credentials of the tenant you want to setup SDS for.
Module requirements
- Teams configurations
- Modules, a Office 365 Tenant setting
- Modules, a Office 365 Teams setting
- Templates must have an Organization type
- Templates must have a Office 365 Teams template
- Updated data in SQL tables (update data with LiveAtEdu_Sync)
What to have ready
- A valid licens file that includes Office 365 Teams
- A star-certficate or a certificate that includes the hostheader of the SDS webservice
- A firewall opening to port 443 since the SDS webservice uses HTTPS
Installation of SDS webservice
Install a new webservice on your UMS frontend webserver that enables synchronization between the roster (DK: “skoleplan” eller “datagrundlag”) in your UMS and Microsoft School Data Sync.
Create a new IIS site and application pool
Hostheader example
Download and install the webservice “IMS sync”
Go to inLogic download page
Copy Usermanagement.ini to bin folder
This file contains connectionstring to SQL Server
Register the hostheader in external DNS
Register an a-record that maps hostheader with external IP address of the UMS webserver
Configuration of SDS profile
Login to as a global administrator
Click Add Profile
Choose connection type
Choose settings as shown above.
Step 1: Sync options
Import Data
- Web access URL, example:
- Client ID is always "WebserviceUser"
- Client secret can be found in SQL using select * from WebServicesSettings
- Token endpoint URL, example:
You have to click Test Connection and it needs to be successful otherwise the next button won't be available
When does your school year end
This has no meaning in a UMS synchronization. Just set it to the max year.
Replace unsupported special characters
Enable this.
When should we stop syncing this profile
It is not possible to set a date that never expires. This means that this has to be updated every year to the highest possible date.
Step 2: Teacher options
Teacher mapping
You need to set primary key to email.
Teacher properties
Expand and check it matches picture.
when selecting primary key mail and userPrincipalName. The domain must be set to "No suffix needed"
Step 3: Student options
Student mapping
You need to set primary key to email.
Student properties
Expand and check it matches picture.
Step 4: Review
This end result should look similar to this.
The profile is now created will start sync after some minutes.
More info here
What is IMS ?
IMS is a standard for data exchange, see
Add a license to user that your trying to access SDS with
You need to relog after this license change.
Known problems and how you handle them
Sorry, we can't sign you in
You have to be a global administrator
That did not work
Endpoint not reachable due to
- incorrect endpoints, username or password
- dns problems or firewall
test dns in command prompt: nslookup
test firewall: - UMS backend is not configured properly
Errors in synchronization
In this case I have mapped wrong primary keys according to step 3 in the wiki.
Sorry to say, but you need to delete the SDS profile. Set it up again and wait
InternalError,There was an application error trying to process this entry. Please contact Customer Support if error(s) persist
Inspect the CSV file created on synchronization errors. Any application error must be handled by Microsoft Support
It takes longer than normal to configure Teams
During problems with the Teams service at Microsoft you might experience a long time for configuration of sections. There is nothing you or we can do about it, just be patient and wait.
Prevent Teams from sending spam to users
If sender address contains “” then redirect them to someone else.