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Attendance Registration Advanced is an add-on module for schools that want extra functionalities in the web interface for Attendance Registration.
Attendance Registration Advanced is an add-on module that gives extra functionalities to [[Attendance Registration]]. With this module, you gain access to an advanced statistical interface that makes it even easier to monitor attendance.  

This module offers you an advanced statistical interface, which makes it easier to monitor attendance, in addition to several other functions. With Attendance Registration Advanced you get:
Attendance Registration Advanced offers you these advantages:
* A web-based view of the students’ attendance records as well as a statistical interface that gives you an easy overview of how the students are doing in terms of attendance. Students can see their own attendance records, while teachers, student guidance councillors and the school’s managers can see attendance for students and classes relevant to them. The data presented to you, when you log into UMS, depends on whether you are a student, a teacher, a manager or a student guidance councillors. This way you will only see relevant information.
* A Guardian Portal, which allows parents, guardians, employers, social workers and internship mentors to follow a student and monitor his or her progress in school. In the Guardian Portal, you can see the student’s timetable, attendance record and grades. The portal will automatically notify you when something is updated. The portal allows you to monitor several students at the same time, e.g. if you have more than one child attending the school. For more information about the Guardian Portal, please read the following page.
* Attendance reports, which can be printed by the school’s staff in a few clicks. It is possible to make reports for one or more students through the web interface, e.g. based on who teaches a certain class or who is the primary contact for a certain group of students.
* Primary contacts and students can subscribe to a weekly e-mail that summarizes the attendance of the student in question. The e-mail contains attendance for the current week as well as the total attendance registered. This makes it possible to act proactively, before the student risks exceeding the limit for allowed absence and thus reduce the risk of more absence or of the student dropping out of school.
* With Attendance Registration Advanced students can receive an SMS message, when they have been registered as absent. The message shows that the school is engaged in its students and can be used to invite the students back into the classroom.
* Last but not least, it is possible to print attendance registration sheets, which the teacher can use on e.g. field trips or during classes where it is not possible to register attendance on a computer.

== Prerequisites ==
*You have access to a web-based view of the students’ attendance records and a statistical interface, making it easy to keep overview of the students' attendance activities. Students can keep track of their own attendance, while teachers, student counsellors, and school management can see attendance for students and classes relevant to them. When you log on to UMS Web, you will see different data if you are a student, teacher, student counsellor, or manager. This means that you will only see information relevant to you.
*You also have access to a [[Guardian Portal]], allowing parents, guardians, employers, social workers, and internship mentors to follow a student's progress during schooling. The [[Guardian Portal]] gives you access to the student’s timetable, attendance records, and grades. If there are new occurrences, you will automatically be notified. The portal also allows you to monitor several students at the same time if you e.g. have more than one child attending the school.
*School employees can create attendance reports through the web interface. The reports can be created for one or several students, e.g. based on the teacher of a class or the contact teacher for a group of students.
*Students can subscribe to text messages that will be sent when they are registered as absent. The text messages shows that the school engages in the students and invites the students back to the classroom (requires [[SMS Send]]).
*It is possible to print attendance sheets that teachers can use for e.g. field trips or in classes where it is not possible to register attendance through a computer (requires [[Merge Letters]]).

=== Supported administrative systems ===
Easy - (W031) (requires subscription to do so through STIL)

=== Module requirements ===
===Supported administrative systems===

[[UMS Academic Web]]
*EASY - (W031) (requires subscription to do so through STiL)

[[Attendance Registration]]
===Module requirements===

=== Testing after setup ===
Log in as a teacher and check that there is access to absence statistics at the front of UMS portal (but note that the statistics will only appear when data registration is more than 1 day old).

Writing to EASY can be checked by reviewing log files (Absence_ExportToAdminSystems.log). There is also logs in SQL table job_logs
*[[UMS Academic Web]]

=== What to have ready ===
*[[Attendance Registration]]
Write to EASY:
* Institutions number and PIN code W031

* IP on the UMS server writes back must be open to the EASY
===Testing after setup===
A running [[UMS]] installation incl. [[Attendance Registration]]
To start testing after setup, you must log in as a teacher. See if you have access to attendance statistics on the front page of UMS portal. Please note that the module only will appear when the registered data is more than one day old.

=== Should third party be contacted ===
To ensure that the system writes back to EASY, you can review the log files: Absence_ExportToAdminSystems.log. There are also logs in SQL table job_logs.

Order access to W031, if you want to use the write-back to EASY
===What to have ready===
In order for the system to write back attendance data to EASY, it is necessary to:

== Installation ==
*Have a running [[UMS]] installation and our module [[Attendance Registration]].

=== Needed steps ===
*Contact UNI-C to gain access to W031. Have your institution number from UNI-C ready. You will be provided with a PIN code and access to W031. You can read more about W031 [ here].
* Setting up the accessgroups.
* Setting up the Card-system (if used).
* Export to admin-system (if used).
* Setup of the Geocode service.

=== Setting user-access ===
*The IP address on the UMS server must be open in EASY.
Access to the Absence-statictics, is controlled via. Standard AD-group membership, these AD-group can be either Global or Universal, and mail-enabled groups are OK as well.

Access to the Absence-statictics is found in the menu “Web-setup\edit”, or by the direct link “Web setup” in the UMS Configurator. Select “Absence” in tree menu:

The following settings are used/needed for Absence Extended, the rest is used in Absence Basic/registrations:
===User access===
* Headmaster access:
Access to the attendance statistics interface is controlled with a standard AD group membership. The AD group membership will function whether the AD group is Global, Universal or mail-enabled groups.  
** Members of the chosen group has access to the schools overall statistics.  
** If left blank, nobody has this access/role.

* Counselor access.  
In order to edit settings for Attendance statistics, you can access the menu in the UMS Configurator by clicking on 'Web Setup' and selecting 'Absence'. See example below.
** Members of the chosen group is treated as “student-counselors” which gives access to special note-types.  
====Granting access to teachers/employees and edit access to registration forward-looking====
** If left blank, nobody has this access/role.
[[File:Absence Websetup Part 1.jpg|none|thumb|922x922px]][[File:Absence Websetup Part 2.jpg|none|thumb|922x922px]]
======Headmaster access======
This includes all Counselor and standard access rights.

* Standard access.
** Members of the chosen group is treated as “standard-teachers” with access to all relevant absence-statistics for activities, students and so on.
** If left blank, nobody has this access/role.

* Show new/Show old checkboxes.  
*Access to the schools overall statistics.
** These checkboxes are available so that you can choose whether to show old or new version of Absence extended. This option will be removed in later versions (when older version is end of life)
*See all missing registrations
Please note that changing these settings will '''require an IIS-reset''' on the frontend to take effect.

== Technical settings ==

=== Setting up the Card system ===
=====Counselor access=====
Absence extended has the possibility to use come and go access systems to calculate the students presence. Currently card systems from Buanco supported as well as “custom” system where the come and go timestamps are collected from a webservice.
This includes all standard access rights.

The Card system settings are controlled via. The menu “Modules/Absence/Card servers”:

Chose which card system that are used from the “Card type” dropdown, and click add.
*Create counselor notes (these can be seen by all counselors).
*See all teacher notes

Following options are available:
=====Standard access=====
This allows the user to see "'''Absence statistics'''" for students and classes/courses.[[File:Absence Websetup Part 4.jpg|none|thumb|316x316px]]Features

·        Description
*Can see absence statistics for students, classes and courses
*Create monitoring rules to send mail or sms when a student event hits the rule.
*See my missing registrations
*Can create teacher notes

Enter a description for the system

·        Server/URL
Please note that changing these settings will require an IIS-reset on the frontend.

Enter a server address for the server that delivers the data (IP or DNS). If inLogic is chosen for the card system then enter the URL used for data-retrieval.
==Technical settings==

·        Username/Password/Domain
===Export to admin-system===
The Write back webservice need to be setup so that the registered absence registrations can written back to the admin-system (EASY C).

Enter credentials for the user that used for retrieving the data.
For setting up the write back absence you need to have a PIN code for the write back webservice (W31) from STIL. The data is entered under the data source for the timetableblocks, which is found under “Modules/Timetable/Data sources”

·        DB Field
Edit the required data source, i.e. EASYC.
[[File:Absenceadvanceddatasources2.png|none|thumb|602x602px|Data sources]]

Chose which field used to identify/match the card user to a UMS created user/student.
Enter the institution number and write back pincode:
[[File:Absenceadvancededitdatasource.png|none|thumb|655x655px|Edit data source]]

After the card system settings is created, it is also needed to ensure that the service that retrieve the card data is started/running. Services are controlled through the menu “Settings\Services”.  
After the write back settings are entered, it is also necessary to ensure that the service that sends the data is started/running. Services are controlled through the menu 'Settings\Services'. Please see below.

Enter a computer name for the server that you want the service to run on in “Absence card import server”.
*'Absence export to admin systems': Enter a computer name for the server that you want the service to run on. Restart the service on the selected computer, and check the log file for connection status of the service (<install path>\UserManagement\Absence_ExportToAdminSystems.log).
*'Geocode': Enter a computer name for the server that you want the service to run on. Restart the service on the selected computer, and check the log file for connection status of the service (<install path>\UserManagement\Geocode.log).

Restart the service on the selected computer, and check the log file for connection status of the service (<install path>\UserManagement\CardImport.log).  
[[File:Absenceadvancedservicessetup2.png|none|thumb|626x626px|Server settings]]

Also you need to ensure that the absence settings for each template is using cards where needed.
===Geocode service===
The Geocode service is responsible for collecting geo data for students' addresses (for use in the Absence Stat Interface). For the service to work a Google token is needed.

=== Export to admin-system ===
The token has to be entered under 'Settings/Geocode'.
The Write back webservice need to be setup so that the registered absence registrations can written back to the admin-system (EASY C).
For setting up the write back absence you need to have a PIN code for the write back webservice (W31) from STIL. The data is entered under the data source for the timetableblocks, which is found under “Modules/Timetable/Data sources”

Edit the required data source:
If no token is entered, you need to sign up for one at Google. Simply click the 'How to get token' link, and follow the directions or click here

Now enter the institution number and write back pincode:
You need to enable the '''Geocoding API'''
[[File:Geocode Settings.jpg|none|frame]]
Enter the acquired token and make sure that the Geocode is allowed to run on a server under 'Settings/service'. Please see the picture 'Server settings' above.

After the write settings settings are entered, it is also needed to ensure that the service that sends the data is started/running. Services are controlled through the menu “Settings\Services”:
The billing can be found here
SSN usage:

Enter a computer name for the server that you want the service to run on in “Absence export to admin systems”.
If you want to see and use SSN in the search, and wants the information shown in Attendance Registration Advanced - there's an option to enable it on all searches made by UMS.
[[File:SearchSettingsSSN.png|thumb|This shows the search settings options
Found inside Website Settings -> Search Settings -> Select setting -> Check Show SSN for selected types.
|none|870x870px]]'''Absence registrations export to admin-system Error'''

Restart the service on the selected computer, and check the log file for connection status of the service (<install path>\UserManagement\Absence_ExportToAdminSystems.log).
28-10-2019 07:48:09 - Inlogic0805 - SLI_ID = 2132443 - Skemabegivenhed = 7138184413 - Status = G - Minutter = -1 - Institutions nummer = 8821xxx

=== Setting up the Geocode service ===
28-10-2019 07:48:09 - (UpdateEasyW031) Update Error   Username = Inlogic0805 - TimeStamp = 13-03-2019 08:39:48 - ErrorCode = 6 - ErrorText = elev. 2109xxxxx, dato 15.02.2019, lektion: 4 eksisterende fravær kan ikke overskrives.
The Geocode service is responsible for collecting geo data for students address (for use in the Absence Stat Interface). For the service to work a Google token is needed.

The token has to be entered under “Settings/Geocode”:

If no token is entered, you need to sign up for one at Google. Simply click the “How to get token” link, and follow the directions.
28-10-2019 07:48:09 - Inlogic0805 - SLI_ID = 2132443 - Schedule event =7138184413 - Status = G - Minutes = -1 - Institution number = 8821xxx

Enter the acquired token, and make sure that the Geocode is allowed to run on a server “Settings/services”:
28-10-2019 07:48:09 AM - (UpdateEasyW031) Update Error Username = Inlogic0805 - TimeStamp = 13-03-2019 08:39:48 - ErrorCode = 6 - ErrorText = student. 2109xxxxx, date 15.02.2019, lesson: 4 existing absences cannot be overwritten.

Enter a computer name for the server that you want the service to run on in “Geocode”.
'''''The error occurs because Easy does not allow correction of existing absenteeism due to the time for correction of absenteeism being exceeded in Easy'''''
<br />

Restart the service on the selected computer, and check the log file for connection status of the service (<install path>\UserManagement\Geocode.log).

== FAQ ==
===How does the statistics handle student pauses?===
The statistics will calculate absence percentages using the following:<br />
a = Minutes absence <br />
p = Minutes pauses <br />
o = Offered lessons in minutes<br />
<br />
absence percent = (a-p)/(o-p)

Latest revision as of 10:22, 23 December 2022

Attendance Registration Advanced is an add-on module that gives extra functionalities to Attendance Registration. With this module, you gain access to an advanced statistical interface that makes it even easier to monitor attendance.

Attendance Registration Advanced offers you these advantages:

  • You have access to a web-based view of the students’ attendance records and a statistical interface, making it easy to keep overview of the students' attendance activities. Students can keep track of their own attendance, while teachers, student counsellors, and school management can see attendance for students and classes relevant to them. When you log on to UMS Web, you will see different data if you are a student, teacher, student counsellor, or manager. This means that you will only see information relevant to you.
  • You also have access to a Guardian Portal, allowing parents, guardians, employers, social workers, and internship mentors to follow a student's progress during schooling. The Guardian Portal gives you access to the student’s timetable, attendance records, and grades. If there are new occurrences, you will automatically be notified. The portal also allows you to monitor several students at the same time if you e.g. have more than one child attending the school.
  • School employees can create attendance reports through the web interface. The reports can be created for one or several students, e.g. based on the teacher of a class or the contact teacher for a group of students.
  • Students can subscribe to text messages that will be sent when they are registered as absent. The text messages shows that the school engages in the students and invites the students back to the classroom (requires SMS Send).
  • It is possible to print attendance sheets that teachers can use for e.g. field trips or in classes where it is not possible to register attendance through a computer (requires Merge Letters).


Supported administrative systems

  • EASY - (W031) (requires subscription to do so through STiL)

Module requirements

Testing after setup

To start testing after setup, you must log in as a teacher. See if you have access to attendance statistics on the front page of UMS portal. Please note that the module only will appear when the registered data is more than one day old.

To ensure that the system writes back to EASY, you can review the log files: Absence_ExportToAdminSystems.log. There are also logs in SQL table job_logs.

What to have ready

In order for the system to write back attendance data to EASY, it is necessary to:

  • Contact UNI-C to gain access to W031. Have your institution number from UNI-C ready. You will be provided with a PIN code and access to W031. You can read more about W031 here.
  • The IP address on the UMS server must be open in EASY.


User access

Access to the attendance statistics interface is controlled with a standard AD group membership. The AD group membership will function whether the AD group is Global, Universal or mail-enabled groups.

In order to edit settings for Attendance statistics, you can access the menu in the UMS Configurator by clicking on 'Web Setup' and selecting 'Absence'. See example below.

Granting access to teachers/employees and edit access to registration forward-looking

Headmaster access

This includes all Counselor and standard access rights.


  • Access to the schools overall statistics.
  • See all missing registrations
Counselor access

This includes all standard access rights.


  • Create counselor notes (these can be seen by all counselors).
  • See all teacher notes
Standard access

This allows the user to see "Absence statistics" for students and classes/courses.


  • Can see absence statistics for students, classes and courses
  • Create monitoring rules to send mail or sms when a student event hits the rule.
  • See my missing registrations
  • Can create teacher notes

Please note that changing these settings will require an IIS-reset on the frontend.

Technical settings

Export to admin-system

The Write back webservice need to be setup so that the registered absence registrations can written back to the admin-system (EASY C).

For setting up the write back absence you need to have a PIN code for the write back webservice (W31) from STIL. The data is entered under the data source for the timetableblocks, which is found under “Modules/Timetable/Data sources”

Edit the required data source, i.e. EASYC.

Data sources

Enter the institution number and write back pincode:

Edit data source

After the write back settings are entered, it is also necessary to ensure that the service that sends the data is started/running. Services are controlled through the menu 'Settings\Services'. Please see below.

  • 'Absence export to admin systems': Enter a computer name for the server that you want the service to run on. Restart the service on the selected computer, and check the log file for connection status of the service (<install path>\UserManagement\Absence_ExportToAdminSystems.log).
  • 'Geocode': Enter a computer name for the server that you want the service to run on. Restart the service on the selected computer, and check the log file for connection status of the service (<install path>\UserManagement\Geocode.log).
Server settings

Geocode service

The Geocode service is responsible for collecting geo data for students' addresses (for use in the Absence Stat Interface). For the service to work a Google token is needed.

The token has to be entered under 'Settings/Geocode'.

If no token is entered, you need to sign up for one at Google. Simply click the 'How to get token' link, and follow the directions or click here

You need to enable the Geocoding API

Enter the acquired token and make sure that the Geocode is allowed to run on a server under 'Settings/service'. Please see the picture 'Server settings' above.

The billing can be found here


SSN usage:

If you want to see and use SSN in the search, and wants the information shown in Attendance Registration Advanced - there's an option to enable it on all searches made by UMS.

This shows the search settings options Found inside Website Settings -> Search Settings -> Select setting -> Check Show SSN for selected types.

Absence registrations export to admin-system Error

28-10-2019 07:48:09 - Inlogic0805 - SLI_ID = 2132443 - Skemabegivenhed = 7138184413 - Status = G - Minutter = -1 - Institutions nummer = 8821xxx

28-10-2019 07:48:09 - (UpdateEasyW031) Update Error   Username = Inlogic0805 - TimeStamp = 13-03-2019 08:39:48 - ErrorCode = 6 - ErrorText = elev. 2109xxxxx, dato 15.02.2019, lektion: 4 eksisterende fravær kan ikke overskrives.

28-10-2019 07:48:09 - Inlogic0805 - SLI_ID = 2132443 - Schedule event =7138184413 - Status = G - Minutes = -1 - Institution number = 8821xxx

28-10-2019 07:48:09 AM - (UpdateEasyW031) Update Error Username = Inlogic0805 - TimeStamp = 13-03-2019 08:39:48 - ErrorCode = 6 - ErrorText = student. 2109xxxxx, date 15.02.2019, lesson: 4 existing absences cannot be overwritten.

The error occurs because Easy does not allow correction of existing absenteeism due to the time for correction of absenteeism being exceeded in Easy

How does the statistics handle student pauses?

The statistics will calculate absence percentages using the following:
a = Minutes absence
p = Minutes pauses
o = Offered lessons in minutes

absence percent = (a-p)/(o-p)